Massaging a baby’s tummy is used to help with the digestive system. Much like in adults, babies can have constipation and gas. The area that is massaged when doing a tummy massage is below the ribs and in the inside of the hip bones. This type of massage directly affects the large intestine.
In babies, all they eat is milk, whether that is breast milk or formula. This generally makes babies have a softer poop then in adults, since it is an all liquid diet. However, depending on what is in the formula (some formulas are different and it may have things like, extra iron in it, if the baby has a condition that requires them to have higher levels of a nutrient in it) or even what the mother eats if they are breastfeeding, can affect the baby’s intestine. Some of these can cause the baby to have a harder poop (like with higher iron levels in the formula), or can make the baby gassy if they have a harder time breaking down certain proteins or fats.
Babies can also have issues with their digestive system if they are being swaddled too much. Though swaddling a baby is good for keeping them warm and calm, it isn’t good for them to be swaddled 24/7. The reason for this is because they generally can’t move much. Less movement of their legs and arms, can make their intestines sluggish, which can also cause a baby to become constipated, and make it harder for them to poop or pass gas.
Baby Tummy Massage for Constipation
When a baby has a hard time having a poop it can be very stressful for the baby. This is because many times, their poop is harder than it should be and can be on the painful side. If it does become painful, sometimes babies will make themselves hold onto it for as long as they can. This is because instinct tells them that pain is bad, and needs to be avoided. This thought process can continue when they are toddlers and even longer into their childhood, possibly keeping them in that pain cycle. This is because the longer that they hold it all in, the harder their poop will be and the more it can hurt when they finally go, which will make them want to hold it even longer to try to avoid the pain all together.
This is where massage comes in. Though for constipation, the massage isn’t only for the tummy, it is the main focus. Other areas are their low back and bottom. This is to help with relaxing all those muscles that they will use to have a poop. When it comes to massaging the tummy, you have to go in the same direction as the large intestine. This is to help promote the proper movement of the digested food to leave the body. If you go the wrong way it can slow down the intestine, potentially causing them to be backed up.
If you are doing a tummy massage for your baby, to help them have a poop, and they end up having diarrhea, you need to stop doing the tummy massage. This is until it subsides and the baby goes back to having a normal poop. The reason for this is because if the baby has diarrhea and you are making them poop more, your baby can become dehydrated and possibly malnourished because their system can’t absorb everything fast enough. If diarrhea lasts for too long, bring them in to see a doctor. Do not try to do the baby massage in reverse, to try and slow down their digestive system. The reason why your baby would have diarrhea is because there is something in their body that they need to flush out. Forcing it to stay in their tiny bodies will not help them.
Baby Tummy Massage for Gas
When needing to do a tummy massage to help with relieving gas for a baby, you will notice that their stomach is bloated. This can be because there is too much gas built up in the intestine, from having a hard time digesting certain things in their milk, or there is a block in the intestine from the baby not being able to go for a poop.
Using tummy massage to help with gas, is only done on the tummy. There is no real need to massage anywhere else, but much like for treating a baby with constipation, all of the movements on the tummy are with the large intestine. Along with the massage movements are also incorporated into the massage. This includes moving the legs to and away from the tummy, helping to stretch and contract the stomach muscles which also helps the intestines to move anything that is in them, from gas to poop.
How to Learn a Tummy Massage Routine for Babies
If you would like to learn how to do a fully tummy massage routine to help your baby with either gas or constipation, you can check out my baby massage classes that I offer. In the class I will guide you through all the steps, using different techniques that will help your baby.
Not only will the class show you how to do a tummy massage for your baby, but will also show you how to do a full body massage for your baby, as well as different things that you need to know before starting any type of baby massage routine.