Baby Massage Classes, Booking Options

All classes, the techniques will be demonstrated on a doll. At no point during any of the classes will I demonstrate the techniques on a baby. During the class, if at any point your baby is unable to continue being practiced on, it is recommended to have a stuffed toy or doll, roughly the size of your baby, to continue practicing.
Prices don’t include taxes.

Virtual Classes:

All virtual classes are done live via Zoom.
In these classes it is in the context of one-on-one sessions. This makes it easier for myself and for you to see what the other is doing during the class(es).
The class will open 15 minutes before your scheduled class. This is to make sure that cameras are in place to be able to have proper viewing in the class. And to get everyone situated where they need to be.

Multi-Day, Full Body Baby Massage Classes: $60

This class consists of 3, separate 1 hour sessions. You will learn how to do a full body massage for your baby, safely. During the follow up classes, there will be a review of the techniques that were learned in the previous class (usually 1 week before), and allow you to ask any questions you may have about the techniques you have already learned. Of course during the class if you have any questions, you can ask them at any time.
This option is more suited for those who already have a baby. This will keep your baby from becoming exhausted while you are practicing the techniques during the class, which means this will keep the experience for you and your baby a positive one!

Full-Day, Full Body Baby Massage Class: $50

This class has only 1 session, being 2.5 hours long. You will learn how to do a full body massage for your baby, safely. At the end of the class, there will be a question period, though you can also ask your questions any time through out the class.
This option is more suited for those who are waiting for their bundle of joy to arrive. It is also great for parents who have a hectic schedule, either work wise or personal, who are unable to commit to multiple classes.

Colic Routine Class: $30

This class has only 1 session, being 1.5 hours long. You will learn how to treat your baby for colic. You do not have to complete either of the Full Body Baby Massage Classes to attend this class. Because of this I will be teaching you everything that you need to know before treating your baby for colic, to keep them safe, and yourself calm to preform the treatment. And you will have hands on participation, on how to do a colic routine, along with other tips and tricks you can use to help alleviate colicky symptoms for your baby.

In Person Classes

All classes are done in person and you have the option of a full day class or a multi-session class. Pending on location, private classes may have an additional travel fee.

One-on-One Private Classes $75/$90

All Private, One-on-One Classes are in person classes, and are done in the convenience of your own home.
Can have your spouse or 1 support person join you for the class at no additional charge.
Teacher will arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled class. This is to make sure that everything can be set up. And get everyone situated where they need to be.

Hosting, Private Group Classes $85/$100

All Hosted Classes are private, in person classes, that are taught at the Host’s chosen location (their home or a rented space.)
There is a minimum booking of 3 registrants to a maximum of 20 registrants, depending on if there are any spouses or support person’s attending with the registrant. (Only 1 support person per registrant please.)
If there are 5 registrants (including the Host) attending the class, the host will get their class for free.
Teacher will arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled class. This is to make sure that everything can be set up. And get everyone situated where they need to be.

Public Group Classes $70/$80

All Public Group Classes, are done in person.
The classes will take place in a location of teacher’s choosing.
Anyone may sign up for the class.
Maximum of 20 registrants per class, depending on if there are any spouses or support person’s attending with the registrant. (Only 1 support person per registrant please.)
Teacher will arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled class. This is to make sure that everything can be set up. And get everyone situated where they need to be.

Add-On Instructional Videos:

These videos were made with no live audiences. They are prerecorded, by myself, to give you access to the class(es) you have already attended. The link(s) to the video will be sent to you after completing your live class(es). More videos will be added to the list. Please stay tuned!.

Full Baby Massage Class, Video $10

This video goes through everything you learned in the multi or full day classes, including information about baby massage and techniques. This allows you to watch what you learned in class as many times as you need, at the pace that works best for you. This video is only available for those who have attended any of the full body baby massage classes.

Colic Routine Class, Video $10

This video goes through the tummy techniques that you learned during the full body baby massage classes to help treat Colic. Or will be a review for the colic class. This allows you to watch the class as many times as you need, at the pace that works best for you. This video is only available for those who have attended any of my live classes.

Cancellation Policy

Canceling 24 hours before your class starts there will be no cancellation fee.
Canceling less than 24 hours before your class starts you will incur administration fees of $20.
Refunds are not offered once registrants have started or completed a class.

Contact me here to book your class now!